Posts Tagged ‘smexport’

SMExport: enhanced export to MS Excel

Friday, September 12th, 2014

In SMExport I added two important features:

- TSMExportToXLSX component supports the merge. You may export a few datasets on different sheets in same xlsx-file

- new TSMExportToExcelXML component generates the Excel XML file. Low memory usage and high speed for large datasets

TSMExportToXML: create xml compatible with ADO.NET

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Today I added the new feature in SMExport – to create the xml file from dataset which is compatible with ADO.NET.

Small sample code:

    smeXML := TSMExportToXML.Create(nil);
      smeXML.DataSet := ClientDataSet;
      smeXML.ColumnSource := csDataset;
      smeXML.FileName := ADOXMLFileName;
      smeXML.AddTitle := True;
      smeXML.Format := xmlADO;
      smeXML.XMLTags.RowTag := 'z:row';
      smeXML.DataFormats.CustomDateTimeFormat := 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss';

RAD Studio XE

Monday, September 27th, 2010

Yesterday I uploaded the archives with compiled packages for XE for SMExport and SMImport (both registered and trials)

SMExport: Embedded images in html

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Today I added the new feature for TSMExportToHTML component – the possibility to generate the html file with embedded images. Unfortunately the old IE (5/6) do not support this feature but FireFox, Opera, Safari will open the file without any problem

A few links:
Note: large images will not displayed due some limits in browser for encoded string

TSMExportToJSON component

Friday, March 19th, 2010

In SMExport I added the new component to support the JavaScript Object Notation
The format of generated samples are available at

For example:
“Species No”: 90020
“Category”: “Fish”
“Common_Name”: “CommonFish 828″
“Species Name”: “Fish 275″
“Length (cm)”: 50
“Length_In”: 19,6850393700787

The dates encoded as the number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970. See the topic for this subject at

The binary values encoded in Base64 (same as in xml)

TSMExportAction type

Monday, March 15th, 2010

Created the new TAction for export support. Will be included in next SMExport