Archive for October, 2013

MSGLibA: Message Reader Engine (ActiveX edition) v1.38

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

Today the new version 1.38 released

Autumn in the backyard

Monday, October 28th, 2013


WordPress upgrade

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

Just now I finished the upgrade to WordPress 3.6.1 (from old 2.3).

I did it manually as described at in “Manual Upgrade” section

Avangate antifraud system

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

A few days ago they approved the order from Chinese user with email address of owner for crack site (

I submitted the request to refund this order but still now the request is not processed. On refund page they wrote that they need approx. 2 hours to process.

Something strange is there in last months. They are not my primary registrar (they are third after ShareIt and PayPro) but anyway I’m waiting the better antifraud system and better response for customer requests.

Paradox Viewer in Linux

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

We have no native version for Linux but you may run Paradox Viewer under Linux+Wine. It works.

часовой пояс на космическом корабле

Monday, October 21st, 2013

На космическом корабле день и ночь это понятия субъективные и зависят не от светло-темно, как на Земле, а от того, когда включили или выключили свет. Интересно, а по какому часовому поясу они там живут? По тому же времени, как на месте старта?

Windows 7: Root Certificates Update

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

By default, the KB931125 is available for Windows XP only, not for Windows 7 or Vista. And you can’t download this update manually for Windows 7.

But you may download the update at

If to run this tool under administrator privilegies, the root certificates will be updated in Windows 7 succesfully.

Why I need this update:
Delphi XE4 checks the serial number using certificate center. I don’t know what root certificate they used but by default, this certificate is not available in Windows 7.
So as result, you run the XE4 IDE, all packages loaded, you see how many days is left to use the reg.copy and in end of loading the IDE closed, opened the browser with the next url:

As solution there you need read the
But this is for XP only, not for Windows 7 or Vista.

After rootupd.exe run the list of root certificates is updated and XE4 will validate the license file.

Driver license

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

Today I got the new driver license. Valid until 2043

Excel Reader engine v2.92

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

The new Excel Reader engine (dll edition) v2.92 with native xls-file parser is published and available for download. A lof of changes and new features added:

  • support for xlsb files
  • fast read for xlsx files with low memory resources
  • unicode functions
  • new functions to read cell types, named ranges, formulas, width for columns, height for rows
  • read summary information with details about author, creation/modified dates etc
  • quick conversion to another format (csv, html, xml)