Archive for September, 2014

last day in R-Style Softlab

Monday, September 29th, 2014

Today is the last day of work in R-Style Softlab (Kiev branch). I retired after 16 years with the company.

We created and developed the RS-DataHouse (the most known analytical system for banks), RS-Request (budgeting and planning) for Ukrainian rail roads, participated in the development for national system for pay cards (NSMEP, a-la Visa/Mastercard) for Ukrainian National Bank and more.

parser for formulas in MS Excel

Monday, September 15th, 2014

Good article from DevExpress developer:

SMExport: enhanced export to MS Excel

Friday, September 12th, 2014

In SMExport I added two important features:

- TSMExportToXLSX component supports the merge. You may export a few datasets on different sheets in same xlsx-file

- new TSMExportToExcelXML component generates the Excel XML file. Low memory usage and high speed for large datasets

ABADev converters updated to v2.6

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

Today released the new v2.6 for all tools from ABADev:

  • Database Convert
  • Document Convert
  • Picture Convert
  • Spreadsheet Convert

Short list of changes:

  • modern wizard style
  • encreased speed and reduced the CPU and memory resources
  • new file formats supported
  • new command line arguments
  • useful save and restore the layout/settings