Archive for February, 2010

SMExport: data engines for cxTreeList/cxDBTreeList (Developer Express)

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

A few years ago Jens from wrote the dataengine component for cxGrid and I deployed this component as part of SMExport

But Developer Express also have the TcxTreeList and TcxDBTreeList components. In friday I wrote the dataengines for these components:

  •   TSMEcxTreeListDataEngine component: data engine for DevExpress TcxTreeList export
  •   TSMEcxDBTreeListDataEngine component: data engine for DevExpress TcxDBTreeList export

db viewers

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

I released the new version for our db viewers:

Paradox Reader Engine 2.73

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

The new version released: