Posts Tagged ‘pdxview’

DB viewers v2.4

Friday, February 12th, 2016

New version (v2.4) for database viewers

A lot of new features:

  • export to JSON, Excel XML, dBase and another new formats
  • all codepages supported for dbf tables
  • support for timestamps in PostgreSQL syntax
  • binary characters in formatted memo and byte fields are supported
  • and more

You may order the bundle with all our database viewer with discount in 20%

Paradox Direct Engine (ActiveX edition) v2.95

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

Paradox Direct Engine (ActiveX edition) v2.95

The new SaveToXML method you may generate the xml-file which is compatible with .NET DataSet class.
Now you may do not use the ado recordset and load the xml directly in Dataset().
For example:

// create unbound recordset for temporary storage (from Paradox table)
DataTable table1 = new DataTable("country");
DataSet set = new DataSet("map");
// convert the records in Paradox table to xml-file
PdxViewA.TScalabiumParadoxReader pdx = new PdxViewA.TScalabiumParadoxReader();
pdx.FileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\country.db";
pdx.SaveToXML(Application.StartupPath + "\\country.xml", "country", false);
if (pdx.LastErrorMessage != null)
//load converted xml into dataset
set.ReadXml(Application.StartupPath + "\\country.xml");
//view records in datagrid
dataGridView1.DataSource = table1;

Paradox Viewer in Linux

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

We have no native version for Linux but you may run Paradox Viewer under Linux+Wine. It works.

dbViewer: export to PDF

Friday, June 4th, 2010

In all our db-viewers (Paradox, dBase, DBISAM, Clarion) I added the possibility to generate the PDF file with table of records

comments about our Paradox Viewer

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

Conclusions about Paradox Viewer:
- in trial if table contain more than 100 records, to show the popup dialog with warning
- if field name contain the period or other system symbol, can’t export to MS Access
- export to PDF
- BLOB with WordPerfect formatting to export as WYSIWYG

paradox table and aux password

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

Today added the possibility to read/extract the records from encrypted .db file which is protected by aux-password(s):