Posts Tagged ‘paypro’

paypro login

Friday, March 25th, 2016

From yesterday I can’t login to their new control panel (cloud):

All time I get the next message:
Your user is not active. Please contact [email protected] in order to
activate your user.

I tried to reset the password – no fix and I get the same error.
Today I send the ticket to support and got the answer:
“The suspending is a part of our protection policy. According to security rules, the password must be changed every 90 days at least. You can’t use the same password twice.”

They suspended the account instead send the notification (or display the warning in control panel) to change the password! I have no words:-(

PS: today they unlocked the account.

new control panel (PayPro)

Friday, November 27th, 2015

A few days ago I got the notification from PayPro about new control panel – html5 instead flash. Today they finished the transfer (all my data) and sent the new credentials.

From first look all is ok there. And new CC look good.


Sunday, April 10th, 2011

Оказывается они даже не проверяют заказы с оплатой через WebMoney:

PayPro security reviewers are checking Credit Card, PayPal, Phone, Fax orders.
Webmoney orders are verified by webmoney on their own side.

Это из их ответа мне на явный fraud (the IP is from Canada but user is from Belarus, the user name is John Travolta with payment via WebMoney.)

Это однозначно минус в их карму. Мне фиолетово каким способом проведена оплата, но заказ они должны валидировать в любом случае. Делать мне бьольше нечего, как вылавливать потом в сети свои продукты, выложенные “крякерами”-траволтами.


Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Two years ago in February 2009 the Emetrix closed the service
In end of January I got the notification from RegSoft and suggestion to move to RegNow/ShareIt/SwReg because February 26 is last day for sales via RegSoft

I opened the accounts in Avangate and PayPro because in ShareIt I have two accounts (USD and EUR)
I updated all html-pages and some sales are processed in Advantage and PayPro. I don’t know why but I think that they have the same roots somewhere in Romania (PayPro say that they are Canadian company with development center in Lugansk, Ukraine)

The Advantage is more “standard” (like ShareIt, RegNow etc) but there I must “confirm” each processed order because I delivery the licenses myself without their service). This is not good but now there are a few orders only.
But cheques are free.

The PayPro have the Control Panel written in flash, send the cheques for $4 and the chargeback costs the $15
Anyway the ShareIt is main registrar now.