If you use the TTable component in Delphi then to find the code to pack the table (to remove the records which are marked as deleted) is not a problem. For example:
But how to pack the table using pure BDE API? What if you do not want to use the TTable/TDatabase components?
Today I wrote the next code for this task:
uses BDE; procedure TfrmMain.piPackTableClick(Sender: TObject); procedure DbiError(ErrorCode: DBIResult); begin raise Exception.CreateFmt('BDE Error Code: %x', [ErrorCode]); end; procedure Check(Status: DBIResult); begin if Status <> 0 then DbiError(Status); end; function StrToOem(const AnsiStr: string): string; begin SetLength(Result, Length(AnsiStr)); if Length(Result) > 0 then CharToOem(PChar(AnsiStr), PChar(Result)); end; var hDatabase: hDbiDb; hTableCursor: hDbiCur; TableDesc: CRTblDesc; begin { check if BDE installed } Check(dbiInit(nil)); { Open a database session with exclusive read/write access } Check(DbiOpenDatabase('', nil, // database type (Standard) dbiReadWrite, // open mode (versus read-only) dbiOpenExcl, // exclusive (versus shared) nil, // database login password 0, nil, nil, hDatabase)); try Check(DbiSetDirectory(hDatabase, Pointer(StrToOem(ExtractFilePath(cbFileName.Text))))); { Open the table, returning its cursor handle } Check(DbiOpenTable(hDatabase, PChar(ExtractFileName(cbFileName.Text)), {$IFDEF DB_PARADOX} szParadox, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DB_DBASE} szDBASE, {$ENDIF} nil, nil, 0, // no result index required dbiReadOnly, dbiOpenShared, xltField, // use logical field types (normal) False, nil, hTableCursor)); {$IFDEF DB_PARADOX} FillChar(TableDesc, SizeOf(CRTblDesc), #0); with TableDesc do begin StrCopy(szTblName, PChar(ExtractFileName(cbFileName.Text))); StrCopy(szTblType, szParadox); bPack := True; end; Check(DbiCloseCursor(hTableCursor)); Check(DbiDoRestructure(hDatabase, 1, @TableDesc, nil, nil, nil, False)); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DB_DBASE} Check(DbiPackTable(hDatabase, hTableCursor, nil, szDBASE, True)) Check(DbiCloseCursor(hTableCursor)); {$ENDIF} finally Check(DbiCloseDatabase(hDatabase)); end; end;