Posts Tagged ‘java’

one class per file

Friday, June 8th, 2012

When you need declare a lot of small classes (enums, for example), I do not like the idea to declare the one class per file only. I do not want to have a lot of small files. I prefer to declare some kind of common file with basic classes but not possible in Java


Friday, June 8th, 2012

Java again. The class instance have no SizeOf method and/or no good method to get the size of instance in bytes:-(

DataInput class

Friday, June 8th, 2012

Very ugly – the DataInput class have no Position property to get the current position in stream and have no Seek method to change the current position.

On every java forum you’ll get the stupid answer – you may count the position yourself. In 2012 you need count after every byte read…