Archive for March, 2015

Технически образованные зеки пошли

Sunday, March 29th, 2015


Со смартфона в тюрьме создал левый сайт, послал руководству тюрьмы фейковый email о своем освобождении и ссылкой на этот левый сайт и спокойно вышел через главные ворота:

Таким орлам точно не стоит варежки шить или конверты клеить сидя в тюрьме…

Windows 7: weather gadget

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

In February the weather gadget in sidebar stopped to work. I get the “cannot connect to service” error.

If you have the same problem, you need change the date/time for config.xml file in C:\Users\<your account>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\Services\Cache folder.
Just set the 01/01/2020 as date there.

If you’re not developer and have no tools to change the date for file, you may do the next:
- change the current date in Windows
- open the config.xml in NotePad
- without any changes in document you need save the file
- return the real date in MS Windows
- after a few minutes you’ll see the real weather in gadget

PS: you do not need re-install anything or add any changes for DNS in hosts file as suggested in many sites. Just change the date of file and it’s enough for correct work.

Paradox Direct Engine (ActiveX edition) v2.95

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

Paradox Direct Engine (ActiveX edition) v2.95

The new SaveToXML method you may generate the xml-file which is compatible with .NET DataSet class.
Now you may do not use the ado recordset and load the xml directly in Dataset().
For example:

// create unbound recordset for temporary storage (from Paradox table)
DataTable table1 = new DataTable("country");
DataSet set = new DataSet("map");
// convert the records in Paradox table to xml-file
PdxViewA.TScalabiumParadoxReader pdx = new PdxViewA.TScalabiumParadoxReader();
pdx.FileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\country.db";
pdx.SaveToXML(Application.StartupPath + "\\country.xml", "country", false);
if (pdx.LastErrorMessage != null)
//load converted xml into dataset
set.ReadXml(Application.StartupPath + "\\country.xml");
//view records in datagrid
dataGridView1.DataSource = table1;

SMMsg suite and time zone for dates

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

Today I fixed the issue in SMMsg suite for dates in .msg-files. Now the dates processed and converted to local time zone correctly (function FileTimeToElapsedTime)

The correct code is

  function FileTimeToElapsedTime(FileTime: TFileTime): TDateTime;
    SystemTime, LocalSystemTime: TSystemTime;
    TZ: TTimeZoneInformation;
    Result := 0;
      if FileTimeToSystemTime(FileTime, SystemTime) then
        if (GetTimeZoneInformation(TZ) <> 0) then
          if SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(@TZ, SystemTime, LocalSystemTime) then
            Result := SystemTimeToDateTime(LocalSystemTime);

mobile usability issues

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

Google sent to me the notification to fix the mobile usability issues for blog.

As I use the WordPress with standard classic theme, I upgraded the theme and installed the WPTouch plugin. Now no any errors detected there

Жена познается в бедности, муж в болезни.

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015