metafile conversion

Yesterday in b.p.3rd-party Shane asked the tool for metafile conversion.

I wrote such engine a lot of years ago when I wrote an export in SMReport – there all report pages generated as metafiles and export will parse every record in metafile and save to destination format.

Wrote small tool on basis with this engine and sent converted files (he wanted to covnert to MS Excel) to him. As I understand, now he use for this task the gnostice components but they have some bug in xls-export. At least for some reason emf-files in 600 dpi are not readable there and nothing exported.

My engine did a work perfectly:-)

2 Responses to “metafile conversion”

  1. mshkolnik says:

    Seems that this is a time to create a package and release this engine as separated components.
    In this case developer can use as own report engine – draw anything on metafile canvas and save to any file for user!

  2. mshkolnik says:

    To add the ActiveX edition is good idea too.

    Also additionally I can add there some basic preview dialog and printing feature (for metafiles) and this tool will be a great report engine (for manual report creation, of course, without visual designer)