MAPI Message Flags

Today I added in SMMsg suite and Viewer for MS Outlook Messages the functions to work with flags in message (PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS attribute)

The list of flags published at

//The message is marked as having been read
MSGFLAG_READ            = $00000001;
//The outgoing message has not been modified since the first time that it was saved; the incoming message has not been modified since it was delivered
MSGFLAG_UNMODIFIED      = $00000002;
//The message is marked for sending
MSGFLAG_SUBMIT          = $00000004;
//The message is still being composed. It is saved, but has not been sent
MSGFLAG_UNSENT          = $00000008;
//The message has at least one attachment
MSGFLAG_HASATTACH       = $00000010;
//The messaging user sending was the messaging user receiving the message
MSGFLAG_FROMME          = $00000020;
//The message is an associated message of a folder
MSGFLAG_ASSOCIATED      = $00000040;
//The message includes a request for a resend operation with a nondelivery report
MSGFLAG_RESEND          = $00000080;
//A read report needs to be sent for the message.
MSGFLAG_RN_PENDING      = $00000100;
//A nonread report needs to be sent for the message
MSGFLAG_NRN_PENDING     = $00000200;
//The incoming message arrived over an X.400 link
MSGFLAG_ORIGIN_X400     = $00000400;
//The incoming message arrived over the Internet
//The incoming message arrived over an external link other than X.400 or the Internet

Now it looks so:

Message Flags

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