SIM: change log

Every day I synch. the database for SIM between work and home computers. As the desktop database used in SIM (standard dbf-files), I did it with zip-archive. Just compressed the full directory with data-files and copied via USB-flash drive.

Today I added the log-generation. Every action (add/modify/delete) for each table saved as sql-script. So now I can copy the small sql-file and execute on another computer. Like small transaction log.

The adiitional advantage is I can apply a number of changes to saved archive (if something is corrupted or incorrect) or create the copy of data in another format (MS Access/MS SQL etc)


One Response to “SIM: change log”

  1. shkolnik says:

    Forgot to add: the log splitted by date. So log for each day is a new file.
    I did it because it’s useful for me to view/accept the changes per day.