In end of September 2010 I setuped the home SIP and used the http://www.lowratevoip.com
They have the cheap call to Israel and 30 FreeDays (days for free calls after payment in 10 EUR)

Later I created the account in http://www.voipbuster.com because they have the 120 Freedays. Unfortunatelly in January 01, 2011 they removed the Israel from free directions.

As see, now the free calls (during FreeDays) have the LowRateVoip, VoipZoom, Telbo and Rynga
The VoipZoom have the same conditions as LowRateVoip, the Telbo do not provide the SIP service and you may call from computer only

So yesterday I created the account in Rynga. They have the 120 FreeDays too like old VoipBuster (after payment in 10 EUR). After account creation they call to my mobile phone for confirmation (their robot said 4 digits which I must enter on site) and sent the SMS with key which I typed in their Control Panel to activate the payments).
I paid them via PayPal.

During next days will compare the quality of service.

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